Thank You!
The show went off without a hitch. I want to thank everyone who made it out to the receptions. I know it was a bit of a trek, but I really appreciate those who came to support. I would also like to thank D.A. Davidson ( for hosting the show and supporting me as well as the arts. Last but not least, I need to thank my parents, who were an integral part of my preparatory show process. Without them my work would not have been presented so beautifully.
The show will be up until February. For those who are interested in purchasing a piece please see my other post with my artwork for this show. You may contact me via email at for prices and payment.
I am very flattered to be showing with this very talented group of artists. Please check out the work of the other ladies in the show.
Christine Beirne
Rima Muna
Anette Power
Kay Zetlmaier