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It's A Wrap!

It's a wrap on the invite, itinerary, and welcome design for those attending the weekend glamping excursion at the Clif Community and Luna Land base camp. The client specified they wanted the overall look of the design to be in the same vein as the film "Moonrise Kingdom." I chose a more muted and natural color palette as I saw it more fitting with the overall theme. As for all the nuances to help keep the three designs looking cohesive I have to give a big thanks to my friend and colleague, Dana Chen. She gave me some some great suggestions such as keeping the itinerary and the welcome/ invite horizontal, include a solar flare onto the itinerary to mimic the lighting in the other designs, keep the logos in the bottom right corner, make some of the text bold to help break it up, and enlarge the titles to make them pop more.

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